Mark Hayter
Club Administrator 1995-2017
Old Wesley, Wesley Curtin Football Club
Mark Hayter is described by his club, as the most influential member of the Curtin Uni Wesley Football Club in its 52 year history and one of only two members awarded Hall of Fame Club Legend status over that time.
He served 6 years on the club’s committee prior to the merger of Old Wesley with Curtin Uni in 1989, and since 1995, has volunteered 24 consecutive years of committee service.
Mark has held club leadership roles as Club President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and over seen the club’s sponsorship and fundraising for 23 consecutive years since 1996.
He is main driving force behind the club’s highly successful annual Pink Tiger Day which has raised over $310,000 for the McGrath Foundation and breast cancer since its inception in 2011, making it clearly the largest community club contributor to this charity in Australia