Twenty two clubs were present at the Annual General Meeting, Midland Junction and R.A.E. clubs not represented.
The President in opening the meeting, on behalf of the committee, offered congratulations to Mr. C. Jamieson, who had recently been elected to the Legislative Assembly.
All the officers and sub-committees were elected unanimously as previously Mr. W.R. Orr as Patron, Mr. C.J. Veryard as President, Mr. V. E. Bennett as Senior Vice-President with the other Vice-Presidents being Messrs S. Miller, J. Kenneally, H. Lewis, C. Jamieson, K. Essex, E. McKenzie and R. Simcock. Mr. H.B. Grosvenor as Secretary / Treasurer, Mr. R.J. McMahon as Assistant Secretary.
Protests & Disputes Board: Messrs A.A. Moffatt, R.B. Heinkel and J. Dolan.
Umpire’s Board: President, Hon. Secretary and Mr. V.E. Bennett.
Re-Instatement Committee: President, Messrs J. Lalor, T. Tracey, R. Halcombe and K. McMillan.
Grounds & Fixtures Committee: Messrs J. Kenneally ‘A’ Division, J. Carey ‘B’ Division and C. Jamieson “B2” Division.
The proposal to alter Rule 15(a) was adopted, which now reads – “At the first Committee Meeting of the Association each season, two members from each division shall be elected and they together with the President , Hon. Secretary, Asst. Secretary, Life Members shall constitute the Executive Committee”.
It was decided to commence the season’s fixtures on April 25th with the ‘A’ Division, with the “B1” and “B2” Divisions commencing May 2nd.
The fees were fixed as those of 1952, £53 ($106) for ‘A’ Division teams and £49 ($98) each for the “B1” and “B2” teams. The umpire’s fees would be unchanged £2 ($4) per game.
An invitation from the Avon Valley Association for a team to play in Northam was accepted on 21st June.
After the game, which would be witnessed by the selectors, training would continue at Melvista Oval and the selection of the 1953 Carnival side would be announced on July 5th. The team would leave Perth by train on Thursday, 23rd July.
The Chairman of the Selection Committee was appointed, Mr. H. B. Grosvenor, with Mr. S. Miller as Coach.
The Delegates of each Division met at the conclusion of the meeting and appointed their representatives to the committee, being R. McMahon of the ‘A’ Division, J.F. Kenneally of the “B1” Division & C. Jamieson of the “B2” Division.
The following members were elected to the Executive Committee – Messrs E. Brosnan and B. Giles (A Division) W. Rankin and J. Dawson (B1 Division), and C. Jamieson and T. Naylor (B2 Division).
Mr Brosnan provided details of the “Amateur Footballer” produced each week with clubs supplying their club notes each week by Monday evening and each club honouring its commitment to taking its copies @ 6d per copy.
Some clubs at the end of the year were in arrears, owing amounts to the “Amateur Footballer” and were chased up to settle their outstanding accounts.
It was agreed, on the recommendation of the Umpire’ Coach, that umpires fees for the second round be increased to £2.10.0 ($4.20) for Field, £1.5.0 ($2.50) for Boundary & 15/- ($1.50) for Goal.
The first social held by the Association for the umpires was very successful, being an indication of the good feelings held by the Association umpires.
The representative team sent to Adelaide for the fifth Inter-State Carnival finished third to Victoria and Adelaide, with Tasmania fourth. The South Australian Amateur League was invited by the Association to send a team in 1954 and it is to be hoped that they are able to come.
The October meeting was unable to be held as insufficient members were present to form a forum. It was suggested that consideration be given to the placing, the control of the Association to the Executive Committee. Other sporting bodies that have experienced the same trouble, have adopted this policy with success late in the year.
The executive took the step of providing trophies of £2.2.0 to the main public schools and colleges, to help provide encouragement for the students to continue as active participants in sport, whether be football, hockey, lacrosse or any other decent game. The selection of the winner to be left entirely to the discretion of the headmasters who indicated generally that it would be provided for football, given to the student who is not necessarily the best player but rather is one who possesses the qualities of a true sportsman. Besides receiving acknowledgement from the headmaster's off Wesley College, Hale School, Guildford Grammar and Scotch College and others who had already held their speech days but assured they would be willing recipients in the future. Letters from the recipients of the trophies were received expressing their pleasure and thanks.
The Annual Ball Was held at the Pagoda in South Perth to which the visiting Footscray footballers, as well as their hosts. South Fremantle and the WANFL Premiership Team were invited.
It was decided by the lack of interest in football after the close of the season that the presentation of trophies be presented at the annual meeting held prior to the start off the new season when players, officials would be more enthusiastic.
South Perth won their successive Premiership in the ‘A’ Division, with North Fremantle the runners up. West Perth were the winners in the “B1” Division with University in second place while Victoria Park showed their supremacy in the “B2” Division defeating Belmont.
Mr. H.R. Lewis was elected to Like Membership of the Association. Honorariums were granted of £70 to the Hon. Secretary / Treasurer, £15.0.0 to the Asst. Secretary & £15.0.0 to Miss Grosvenor.
A Radiogram was given to Mr. H. B. Grosvenor as a present on the occasion of his marriage, in appreciation of his twenty years association with the administration of the Association.
The Increased affiliation fee of £10.10.0 was paid to the Amateur Football Council, together with the voluntary donation of £25 per year.
Many clubs were granted permission to travel to country clubs to play matches during & at the end of the season.
The West Australian, 23rd April 1953
Clubs: 24
Teams: 24
Club | Teams |
Bayswater | B2 |
Belmont | B2 |
Claremont-Nedlands | A |
Commonwealth Bank | B1 | East Fremantle | B1 |
East Perth | A |
Fremantle CBC Old Boys | B2 |
Inglewood-Mt Lawley | A |
Maylands | A |
Midland Junction | A | Mosman Park | A |
North Fremantle | A |
Osborne Park | B1 |
Palmyra | A |
Royal Australian Engineers (R.A.E.)* | B2 | Shenton Park | B1 | South Fremantle | B1 | South Perth | A | Swanbourne-Cottesloe | B1 | Teachers College | B2 |
University | B1 |
Victoria Park | B2 |
Wembley | A |
West Perth | B1 |