The Annual General Meeting was held and attended by all except 5 Clubs. The election of all positions were filled without the necessity of ballot.
Mr W.R. Orr, as Patron, Mr C.J. Veryard as President, Mr V. E. Bennett as Senior Vice-President with Mr. S. Miller, J.F. Keneally , H. Lewis, K. Essex, E.R. McKenzie as other Vice-Presidents, Mr H.B. Grosvenor as Hon. Secretary / Treasurer, Mr H.G. Lippiatt as the Hon. Auditor & Mr. R. A. Haynes as the Hon. Solicitor.
The sub committees of the Protests & Disputes Board, Grounds and Fixtures Committee and Mr. V. E. Bennett as the third member of the Umpires Board all were filled as per the previous year.
The Secretary outlined as per his budget, that estimated expenditure of the season would require approx. £46 ($92) affiliation fee from each club. The fee for the Central Umpire was fixed at £1.10.0 ($2.50) with the same arrangements as previously regarding boundaries.
The approximate estimated cost of sending a team to Melbourne was £1200 ($2,400) and it was resolved that any player selected in the Association Team contribute 50% of the individual fare and that all clubs affiliated with the association shall contribute at least 10% of the total expenses of a member.
A request by Southern Districts for affiliation was granted, but those of Inglewood-Mt Lawley and East Perth for second teams were refused due to of lack of grounds. Western Command withdrew from the competition.
The following delegates were elected to the Executive Committee:- Mr H. Moncrieff & Mr. B. Giles from the “A” Division, Mr H. Lewis & Mr G. Carey from the “B1” Division and Mr J. Kenneally and Mr C. Jamieson from the “B2” Division.
It was resolved that any application for a clearance which is not returned to the association within 3 weeks for Metropolitan Clubs and 4 weeks from clubs outside the metropolitan area, shall be considered as being granted.
Arising from the minutes of the Annual Meeting two independent member of the selection committee were appointed, Mr H.B. Grosvenor (Chairman) and Mr S. Miller (Coach), together with representatives of the clubs with Mr. R.J. McMahon with Mr. P.J Bright as advisor from the “A” division, Mr W. Sutherland with Mr. Naylor as advisor from the “B1 Division, and Mr. J.F. Kenneally with advisor C. Jamieson from the “B2” Division. Mr J.F. Kenneally was appointed manager of the association team.
The permit committee of Messrs B. Naughton, A. Moncrieff, E. Lasher, E. Brosnan, A. Innes, S. Hales, E. Lofts, T. Naylor, C. Jamieson, J. Kenneally, P. Walters, W. O’Grady and S. Coleman together with the executive dealt with question of players who had received payment from the WANFL League Provident Fund and in accordance with the rules, any matches in which these players had participated and which the club had won, were automatically forfeited and the player permit cancelled.
A line of action in regard to re-instatement was resolved that the players concerned must pay into this association any money received, which would be held in the player’s name for a period of 6 months after they finish playing football in this association. After receipt of this money, the permit committee may consider re-instatement of the player as an amateur, after a new permit form has been submitted.
It was later resolved that any application for re-instatement should be investigated and considered by a Reinstatement Committee made up of the President of this association, or his deputy as Chairman and shall include four other members, who shall not be delegates of any affiliated clubs. Any appeal against the decision may be made only to the Australian Amateur Football Council.
The Grosvenor Medal for the WA “Fairest & Best” player was won by E. Pass, while R. Gaunt was awarded the S. Miller trophy for the “Most Outstanding Performance” in the WA side.
After the strain of playing 3 games of football in just over 4 days after the long rail journey suggests that to compete in any future Carnival in the eastern states, the team should arrive several days before they are due to play their first game. Every endeavour in the future should be made to have funds sufficient to travel by air, at least to Adelaide, to have the players able to give of their best and not have the all-round severity of train travel perhaps preventing that.
Mr. W. O’Grady and Mr. A. Moncrieff were elected to Life Membership of the Association.
The Association Presentation Ball was held October 2nd in the Pagoda Ballroom and was socially and financially successful because of the support of the clubs.
The Umpires Fairest & Best winners were A. Loo, East Perth in the “A” Division, Mr. M Nanovich, Osborne Park in the “B1” Division and Mr. E Kilmurray, Southern Districts I the “B2” Division.
Mosman Park were the ‘A’ Division Premiers defeating South Perth, Claremont-Nedlands by defeating Maylands became the “B1” Premiers, while two of the oldest clubs in the association Commonwealth Bank and Teachers College played off the Grand Final of the “B2” Division, with the former being the winners.
Honorariums were granted of £25 to the Hon. Secretary, £12.10.0 to the Assistant Hon. Secretary, £12.10 to the Assistant Hon. Treasurer, and £10.10.0 to Mr S. Miller the coach of the state team. A grant to Mr. J. Kenneally of £25 was given to help cover his expenses as manager of the state trip.
Donations to St. Johns Ambulance of £8.8.0 each were made to Perth and Fremantle Brigades and £2.2.0 each to Maylands & Midland Junction Brigades.
Clubs: 24
Teams: 25
Club | Teams |
Bayswater | B2 |
Belmont | B2 |
Claremont-Nedlands | B1 |
Commonwealth Bank~ | B2 | East Fremantle | B1 |
East Perth | A |
Fremantle CBC Old Boys | B2 |
Inglewood-Mt Lawley | B1 |
Maylands | B1 |
Midland Junction | A | Mosman Park | A |
North Fremantle | A |
Osborne Park | B1 |
Palmyra | A |
Shenton Park | A | South Fremantle | B2 | South Perth | A | Southern Districts* | B2 | Swanbourne-Cottesloe | B1 | Teachers College | B2 |
University | A, B2 |
Victoria Park | B1 |
Wembley | A |
West Perth | B1 |
*new club
~name changed from Banks to Commonwealth Bank