The Annual General Meeting was held and attended by all clubs except Maylands, Belmont and South Fremantle.
At the AGM, it was adopted that the season be placed in three divisions. ‘A’ Division consisting of 8 teams from last season, together with Palmyra and Midland Junction, the winners of the 1949 ‘B’ Division. The “B1” Division consisting of the teams that finished 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th places in both zones of 1949 and the ‘B2’ Division consist of the remaining teams.
For the 1951 season, the two teams finishing at the bottom of the ‘A’ Division be relegated a division and that the winners of the ‘B1’ division be promoted a division, together with the winner of the match between the runners up of the “B1” Division and the Premiers of the “B2” Division.
Similarly the lowest teams in the “B1” Division be relegated a division and the two leading teams in “B2” Division be promoted a division.
Mr D.J. Veryard was re-elected as President, Mr H.B. Grosvenor as Secretary/Treasurer and Mr R.M. McMahon elected as Assistant Secretary & Social Secretary.
Mr V.E. Bennett was elected as Senior Vice President and Messrs S. Miller, E.McKenzie & R. Essex as Vice- Presidents.
The Protests & Disputes Board of Messrs H. Moffatt, R.B. Henkel and J. Dolan were re-elected, Mr V.E. Bennett elected as the third member of the Umpires Board.
The grounds and fixtures committee of Messrs W.O’Grady, H. Lewis and Sgt. Sincock were elected.
A Selection Committee of Messrs S. Miller (Chairman) F. Breen, W. Robinson, T. Naylor, C. Jamieson, J. Kenneally and E.R. McKenzie was elected.
The Honorary Auditor, Mr H.G. Lippiatt provided a report to the meeting and was granted an honorarium of £5.50 ($10.50) and was re-appointed to the role.
When it was suggested that copies of the annual balance sheet be sent to all clubs, it was pointed out that in accordance with the by-laws, the audited Financial Statement and Balance Sheet were available for perusal and clubs so desiring could make notes or extract information required from same.
The following delegates were elected to the Executive Committee:-
Messrs Moncrieff & Breen ‘A’, Lewis & Jamieson “B1” and Mr Kenneally & Simcock “B2”.
Messrs Naugton, O’Grady, Moncrieff, Atkinson, Innes, Jamieson, Brosnan, Rankin, Simcock, Kenneally, Brown, Gillett & Tasher were elected to the Permit Committee.
It was decided the proposal that all players sign the teams list each week had proved successful and was adopted.
Clubs were asked to write to the “Western Press” and “West Australian Newspapers” expressing their discontent with the lack of publicity given to the Association recommending that space be given for our results etc. be provided. Any club not complying with this decision within 14 days would be fined 5/- (50c).
It was adopted that any player found guilty of an offence by the P&D Board, would not be eligible for umpires “Fairest & Best” votes, nor could he be considered for selection in a State Team.
A match against the Avon Valley Association was arranged at their request and was held on August 5th, with the WAAFA team winning comfortably. Mr A. Miles (South Perth) appointed as Captain & Mr. Mann (North Fremantle) as Vice-Captain, with Mr A. Miles also being the Fairest & Best in the association side. A trophy was presented to the Fairest & Best in the Avon Valley side by the WAAFA.
During the year, at the resignation of Messrs Robinson & McKenzie, Messrs Williams (University) and Langdon (TTC) were elected to the selection committee, and Messrs McMahon & Tucker were appointed as advisors to the committee to allow more matches to be watched.
During last year the AAFC made their initial appearance in an all Australian National Carnival. A team selected from the ‘B’ section of the Carnival & proved to the surprise of some, to be too good for their opponents. Five representatives of WAAFA were included I the Amateur Team, Messrs A. Jones (Victoria Park) R. Mann (North Fremantle) A. Miles (South Fremantle) W. Ralph (Inglewood – Mt Lawley) & P. Warton (East Perth). Guernseys’ were presented to each that participated.
The Association Carnival Dance was held at the Pagoda, South Perth in early October.
Mr. F. Breen was elected as a Life Member of the Association.
It was seen that the 1951 season will commence with ta credit balance, but more will be necessary for sending a State Team to the Carnival to be held in Melbourne.
The West Australian, 5th October 1950
Clubs: 24
Teams: 25
Club | Teams |
Banks | B2 | Bayswater | B1 |
Belmont | B2 |
Claremont-Nedlands | B1 |
East Fremantle | B1 |
East Perth | B1 |
Fremantle CBC Old Boys | B1 |
Inglewood-Mt Lawley | B1 |
Maylands | B2 |
Midland Junction | A | Mosman Park | A |
North Fremantle | A |
Osborne Park | B2 |
Palmyra | A |
Shenton Park | B1 | South Fremantle | B1 | South Perth | A | Swanbourne-Cottesloe | A | Teachers College | B2 |
University | A, B2 |
Victoria Park | A |
Wembley | A |
West Perth | A |
Western Command | B2 |