Mr C.J Veryard was re-appointed as President & Mr H.B Grosvenor as Secretary/Treasurer. Mr J.F Kenneally as Asst. Secretary. The following Sub Committees were appointed:-

Executive committee – messers V. Bennett, W. Robinson, R. Staples & J. Kenneally.
Fixtures Committee – messers B. Smith & Mr A. Adams.
Permit Committee – messets Scott, Mcneill, Austin, Swain, Farrell, Elliott, Loftus & Hall.

The Club Secretaries were to be held responsible for providing the names of their goal kickers to the association Secretary no later than Tuesday after a match.

Delegates were advised to arrange for the winning teams to telephone the scores to the Secretary of the association each Saturday, before 7pm.

With the disbanding of the Fremantle association, new teams from North Fremantle, East Fremantle, Polmyre, Mosman Park & the Postal Institute were admitted. The Young Australian League club disbanded during the season. Water Supply withdrew prior to the season and handed over their guernseys to the association, who later decided that they could be hired out for 15/- ($1.50) per match to Amateur clubs and to other clubs for $1-1-0 ($2.10) with a deposit of $4-4-0 ($8.40) to cover loss or damage.

A Bellevue Club was refused admission because it was conceived that the long distance teams would have to travel would involve too much expense.

The Commonwealth Bank changed its name to the Interbank Football Club.

Fixtures for two divisions were drawn up and the Executive Committee recommended that the Henkel Trophy for the Fairest & Best player be taken for the first 18 games of the ‘A’ division & ‘B’ division games.

The Executive Committee recommended that a raffle be held to raise money to help with the expenses of the next carnival team along similar lines as conducted in 1938 with balance, after all expenses covered, divided equally between the clubs being credited with an amount calculated proportionally to the number of tickets sold & the association.

Because of the changed international situation, the visit next year from a Victorian amateur team and discussion of the holding of the carnival be held over.

Mr S. Miller was elected as a life member, becoming the second life member appointed by the association.

The Sandover Shield was presented to Wembley who were successful for the second successive year and the Richardson Cup for the leading side at the end of the first round of games. Mt Hawthorn were runners-up.

Great interest was taken in the ‘B’ division, mainly due to the performance of the new teams, North Fremantle finished premiers and was awarded the Bradford Cup. By being undefeated throughout the season they join with Postal Institute and University as the only teams to go champions in this association.

Next year it was resolved that both North Fremantle and Mosman Park would be elevated to the ‘A’ division taking the place of South Perth & Claremont who will be relgated to the ‘B’ division.

The trophy donated by Mr H.B Henkel for the Fairest & Best player was awarded to K. Swain, the Captain & Delegate of the Claremont Club with 25 votes, Mr R. Filmer of the University Club as runner-up with 24 votes.

As in previous years, officers of the St. John Ambulance Brigade were in attendance at our matches, the service was greatly appreciated by all members.

An honorarium of $12.0.0 ($24) was granted to the Hon. Secretary/Treasurer, $8.0.0 ($16) to the assistance Secretary and $2.0.0 ($4.20) for the Typist.

A PREMIERS (Sandover Shield)
Wembley def Mt Hawthorn

Played 30th September 1939 at the WACA Ground

MINOR PREMIERS (E. Richardson Cup)

FAIREST & BEST (R.B. Henkel Trophy)
K. Swain (Claremont) 25 votes

R. Filmer (University) 24 votes

B PREMIERS (Bradford Cup)
North Fremantle 19.15 (129) def Mosman Park 5.3 (33)

Goals: NF - L Dearle 10, Onley 2, Houlahan 2, Meiers 2, Only, J Crofts, A Crofts
Best: NF - Pearse, Meiers, J Dearle, Crofts, Feeny, L Dearle

Played 30th September 1939 at the WACA Ground

Umpire: R. Ryan

North Fremantle



Clubs: 17

Club Teams
Achilles B
Claremont A
Commonwealth Bank B
East Fremantle* B
Fremantle CBC Old Boys B
Inglewood A
Maylands A
Mosman Park* B
Mt Hawthorn A
North Fremantle* B
Palmyra* B
Postal Institute~ B
Sandovers A
Young Labour League~ B
South Perth A
University A
Wembley A

*New Club
~withdrew during the season